Syllabus of P4 Advanced Financial Management (AFM)
P4 Advanced Financial Management (AFM) syllabus goal is to apply the relevant knowledge, skills, and professional judgment expected of a senior financial executive or advisor to the adoption or recommendation of decisions relating to an organization's financial management in the private and public sectors.
This syllabus expands on the core financial management knowledge and skills covered in the Financial Management syllabus, preparing candidates to advise management and/or clients on the organization's complex strategic financial management issues. The syllabus begins by delving into the role and responsibilities of a senior executive or advisor in meeting competing stakeholder needs in a multinational business environment.
The syllabus then re-examines investment and financing decisions, with a focus on the potential consequences of such decisions in the domestic and international context. Candidates are then expected to develop additional advisory skills in the planning of strategic acquisitions, mergers, and corporate reorganizations.
The following section of the syllabus, in broad terms, re-examines the existence of business risks and advanced risk-management strategies. It expands on what candidates would have learned in the Financial Management syllabus.
Main capabilities
Candidates must be able to do the following in order to pass the exam:
- Explain and evaluate the senior financial executive's or advisor's role and responsibilities in meeting the competing needs of stakeholders, and acknowledge the role of international financial institutions in multinational financial management.
- On a national and international scale, evaluating potential investment decisions and their financial and strategic implications
- Consider mergers and acquisitions as an alternative growth strategy.
- Alternative corporate reorganization strategies are evaluated and advised on.
- Advanced treasury and risk management techniques must be applied and evaluated.
- P4 - Advanced Financial Management (AFM) - STUDY TEXT
- P4 - Advanced Financial Management (AFM) (APM) - WORKBOOK
- P4 - Advanced Financial Management (AFM) (APM) - EXAM KIT